The international brotherhood of Boilermakers ,ironshipbuilders ,blacksmiths , forgers and helper in Canada are one of this countries oldest labour organizations. There are approximately 13,000 members represented in every province and territory. The Canadian boilermakers are members of 33 different union locals across Canada. The specialized trade covers a broad and Diverse group of industries that include shipbuilding and repair, nuclear and utility industries, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and oil and gas sectors. Out trades build And repair boilers, tanks and pressure vessels, ships ferries, Barges, submarines and other large scale marine projects.
What do the boilermakers of lodge 191 do?
The members of lodge 191 primarily work in two industries the shipbuilding and repair industry in the manufacturing of logging equipment. Some members of 191 travel to other Boilermaker union locals and work in the construction industry.
Our members Build and repair all types of Marine vessels such as Navy Frigates and submarines. Deep sea vessels including tankers, freighters, bulk carriers and Cruise ships. We also work on coastal ferries, barges and tugs.
Our Members at Nicholson Manufacturing build a variety of machinery including Yarders Chippers and Debarkers for the logging industry
The three major employers of 191 members are:
- HMCS Dockyard FMF Esquimalt
- Nicholson Manufacturing Ltd. Sidney
- Victoria Shipyard Ltd Esquimalt
Who are the members of 191?
The members are ordinary working Canadian men and women who work as welders, fabricators, Boilermakers, fiberglassers and insulators.
They are the union.